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Page 11
“Hold on,” the man urged Kennedy as Kyle pulled some things from his bag.
Nodding, Kennedy tried, but the pull to sleep was strong. She closed her eyes again.
“Kennedy,” the man demanded, and she opened her eyes again. The pain was consuming her, she didn’t want to hold on any longer. Once again, she closed her eyes, and let her head fall. Everything went black.
“Kyle what is that?” the man, who was now holding the unconscious girl up asked.
“Give me a second Taylor,” Kyle replied.
“She might not have a second Kyle.”
“I’m on a helicopter with limited supplies and a flashlight, it can wait a second,” Kyle threatened.
Taylor nodded. He struggled to hold her steady for him.
“My best guess would be a gunshot,” Kyle said.
“Gunshot?” said Taylor. “When?”
“The remodeling suggests a week or so. It was healing well,”
“What do you mean was?”
“That ladder climb had to be excruciating. She most likely passed out from the pain. It also probably damaged her shoulder again. We’ll have to wait for more at a hospital.”
“What about for now?” Taylor asked.
“I’ll give her some morphine, that should help with the pain,” Kyle said looking through his bag. “I also have the vital patch ready. I’ll put it on her wrist, it should already be connected to your watch. We can monitor her that way until we get back.”
“Thanks Kyle.”
Taylor took the seat next to her. He buckled her in and used his body to prop her up into a comfortable position.
“Why was this information withheld from us?” Taylor asked.
Kyle finished injecting her, placed the patch, and put the rest of his supplies back into his bag. “Maybe they didn’t know either?”
“Oh, they knew,” Taylor said in threatening tones. “How long will she be out?”
“Impossible to tell, would you like me to give her a sedative? It can give us three or four hours.”
Taylor nodded in response.
“I’ll have a team ready for when we arrive,” Kyle added.
“I appreciate that,” Taylor said.
Taylor was already reviewing the extraction in his mind. He felt guilty taking her dressed in only a robe. Truth be told, they had expected her to be asleep. Who is up at two in the morning? He felt that his team had reacted to the change of situation very well. The unfortunate truth was that they hadn’t escaped unnoticed, and he feared their retaliation. Then, the man reflected on the helicopter ascent, and how the girl did remarkably well, under the panic-stricken circumstances. Although she had a pretty quick ascent for a rookie, Taylor was nervous about her condition. How had she pulled that off through the pain? He pulled off his mask.
“You couldn’t have gotten her out of there any faster,” Kyle reassured.
“No, but I could’ve been gentler.”
“You might have done damage, but she’ll be ok.”
Taylor nodded, “Thanks Kyle.”
He looked down at the sleeping woman, her brown hair had thawed from the ice, but was still wet. The sweat from her forehead had dried up, and her face was more relaxed. All the signs of panic and fear had washed away. Hopefully, her dreams would bring her comfort.
“They will have clothes in the airplane.”
“Thank you,” Taylor said.
Kyle nodded as he grabbed his stuff and took the seat next to Taylor.
Taylor helped steady her as she slept. The airplane would be waiting a few miles further. That would be more comfortable for her to rest in.
What made this woman so important? Taylor’s team had been supplied blueprints of the building, and her location, but they didn’t know any details about the asset. Now that he knew the fast reaction time of the facility, it only intrigued him more.
Taylor had just joined the NSA six months ago and had previously worked for the secret service. As one of the youngest secret service agents, he had only protected two former presidents who rarely left their house. That experience had led him to his true passion in intelligence. He had attended Yale and studied military tactics. Since his youth, he knew he had wanted to work for the government. After one year in the military, he was approached by the secret service. He loved his job. His family lived in Florida and his parents still lived in his childhood home. Twice a year he would go and visit them.
This first big mission for the NSA had been an interesting one so far. He knew that breaking the woman out of the facility was only phase one, but he hadn’t been informed about phase two. Get the girl back to headquarters safely, that was his mission. Right now, that was his priority.
After a half hour flight in the helicopter, the whole team was transported to a jet for a four-hour flight.
Carefully, Kyle dressed the woman in some sweats and sweatshirt that were on hand. Then, they laid the woman across a row of seats. Kyle and Taylor sat across from her in case she woke up unexpectedly.
Less an hour into the flight, Kennedy started to fidget.
“Kyle? I thought you said that would buy us three or four hours?”
“It should’ve,” he said, also noticing the movement.
Taylor and Kyle sat, anxious to see how she would react.
For a moment she just laid there, but then she turned her head to face the two men that were staring at her.
“Where am I?” Kennedy said calmly.
“In an airplane,” Taylor offered.
Kennedy sat up very slowly. She put one hand to her forehead, then she looked around.
“Who are you?”
“Taylor Austin.”
“I’m Kyle White,” the other man offered.
“Kennedy Billings,” she replied.
Taylor already knew her name but didn’t want to alarm her more.
“Welcome Kennedy.”
He gave her a few more minutes to wake up. The plane hit some turbulence and Kennedy jumped.
“It’s just turbulence,” Taylor said, trying to reassure her.
She looked at him confused. Putting her head against the seat she looked a little more relaxed.
“How is your shoulder?” Kyle asked.
Kennedy looked at him for a moment, as if she were deciding whether she wanted to speak to them at all.
“I gave you morphine less than two hours ago,” Kyle said, confused.
“Can I get you anything?” Taylor said, ignoring Kyle’s comment.
Kennedy’s eyes turned to him, and he felt her analyzing him.
“Were you the one on the ladder?” she asked.
Taylor nodded.
She considered this, “Thank you for not pushing me.”
“Of course,” Taylor replied. “Can I get you something to eat? To drink maybe?”
Turning her head, she looked out the window, “Where are we going?”
“Where was I?”
Nodding, she turned her attention back to Taylor and Kyle. Cringing, she instinctively put her hand to her shoulder.
“I have some more morphine if you would like,” Kyle said, also noticing.
Kennedy considered this, much longer than Taylor would’ve. Why didn’t she want to take the drugs? It was painful just watching her.
Cringing again, another wave of pain must have hit her. She furrowed her brow and released a small whimper, “Ok, I’ll take it.”
Taylor was relieved, she clearly was not doing well.
Kyle looked through his bag, filled a syringe and walked over to Kennedy’s side. She pulled up her sleeve as another wave of pain came.
“Just a second,” she said trembling.
“Sure, take a moment,” Kyle said calmly waiting.
Taylor felt useless, there was nothing he could do to help.
A few seconds went by and Kennedy settled in again before
nodding to Kyle. He quickly injected her arm and retreated to his seat.
“It should only take a few minutes,” Kyle assured her as he put the needle away.
“Can I get you some water?”
“No thank you,” Kennedy said as she turned and looked out the window.
Taylor and Kyle looked at each other and shrugged.
The remainder of the flight, Kennedy remained silent. She just kept looking out the window. Taylor left her alone to her thoughts. Surely this was a lot to process.
Once they landed, they taxied through the airport and pulled up to a private hanger. Outside, their ride, and two more agents were there to greet them.
“Are you ready to get off? Can you walk?” Taylor asked.
Kennedy took a second before she lifted herself up out of the seat. At first, she wavered, but her hand was able to hold her steady. After a few seconds she walked towards the door.
“Can I help you?” Taylor offered.
“Um, no, I can manage,” she said getting out of the aisle and walking towards the front of the plane. Once Kennedy reached the front door, she looked down the steps and stopped again.
“Take your time,” Taylor prompted as he waited behind her. He didn’t know if she was going to make it down or not.
“I need a second,” she admitted, and took the seat closest to her. Once in her seat she pulled up her legs and buried her head into her knees. She closed her eyes and took some deep breaths. He noticed her start to cringe again. The drugs were wearing off already.
Taylor turned to Kyle, “I thought this was a rescue mission? She doesn’t seem happy to see us. In fact, she is acting like this is a hostage situation.”
Kyle nodded, “You should go talk to her.”
Taylor waited a few more minutes to give her some space.
“Excuse me,” he said, taking the second seat down from her.
Kennedy looked up.
“I apologize, I don’t think I was noticeably clear back there. My name is Taylor Austin, we are NSA.”
“NSA?” Kennedy questioned.
“Yes, we were assigned to rescue you.”
Kennedy stared at him. He could see her mind turning. Did she believe him?
“NSA?” she repeated.
Taylor nodded.
“Do you have some ID?” she questioned.
“Yes,” Taylor said, pulling out his NSA badge.
She took it from in and stared at it for a minute.
“I don’t believe you,” she said, handing it back.
“Then let me show you,” Taylor said standing up.
She looked at him questioningly.
“Ok,” she said, also standing up. She took careful and slow steps towards the exit. Holding onto the handrail she made her way down the stairs and to the car that was waiting for them.
“How is her pain?” Taylor quietly asked Kyle, as they followed her down the stairs.
“I just gave her a high dosage, but I can see signs of it wearing off again. She should be able to make it to Wendy. I’ll let her decide what to do. It is dangerous to give someone so much morphine.”
Taylor nodded, “I agree.”
He had given Kennedy space to make it down the stairs on her own but had also hoovered close enough in case she faltered. Once she got to the ground, he walked in front of her.
“Now, we must be going,” Taylor said, opening the door for Kennedy to get inside.
Kennedy entered the car. It had a row of seats behind the driver facing the center of the car, and another row in the back that also faced the center. One man entered the driver seat, the second in the passenger, Kyle sat across from her, and Taylor sat on the same bench at the other window. The rest of the team worked on unloading the plane.
“Where are we going?” she asked once the car started up.
“NSA headquarters,” Taylor responded.
“How do I know you are NSA?” she questioned.
“What proof can I show you? What would you believe?”
Kennedy considered this, “I don’t know.”
What did that company do to her? Taylor struggled to think of a solution. Would she believe anything they said?
“We saved you from them?” Kyle offered.
“What if you are the enemy? You kidnapped me too,” Kennedy combatted.
“I would qualify ours as a rescue, not a kidnapping,” Kyle said, and Taylor gave him a stern look. They needed to create a positive environment, not a questioning one.
“That is yet to be determined.”
“Fair enough,” Taylor conceded.
“You aren’t going to try and convince me?” Kennedy questioned.
“You will see it through our actions.”
“Can I leave?” she asked.
“Once you hear us out, yes.”
Kennedy kept her gaze on him, as if waiting to see if he would rescind his offer.
“How are you feeling Kennedy?” asked Kyle, changing the subject.
“The drugs are wearing off, but it is tolerable.”
“The onsite physician can set up a pain management plan. I have to say, I’ve never seen someone go through morphine so quickly. Has that happened before?”
Kennedy smiled, “My last doctor was equally intrigued.”
Taylor noticed that she didn’t answer the question with her response. He smiled, he liked how she played the game. Kyle got the hint and left his questions unanswered.
“Kennedy,” Taylor started. “concerning your extraction.”
Taylor took a second to put his thoughts together.
“Was unforgivable?” Kennedy asked.
“The excess damage and pain that I caused you, I didn’t know.”
She watched him intently.
“I could’ve planned things differently if I would’ve known. I apologize.”
Kennedy nodded in understanding, or acceptance. Taylor wasn’t sure.
No one spoke again for the duration of the trip.
Upon reaching the giant complex Taylor and Kyle slid out of the car. When Kennedy attempted to follow, Taylor stopped her.
“Wait a minute,” he said as he stood by the door.
The other two men walked ahead and went inside the building for a minute, before coming back out and signaling them inside.
Taylor, and Kennedy both walked through until they crossed a giant circle on the floor that said, “United States of American National Security Agency.” Taylor paused as Kennedy stared at the marking, as if questioning its integrity.
“It's real,” Taylor said before he continued to lead her on. Many people bustled around, but they didn’t feel the need to pay any attention to them. Pausing outside of security, the first half of the team went through. Taylor handed Kennedy a badge before gesturing her through.
Kennedy gingerly took a few steps forward and scanned her badge on the reader. The light turned green and the small gate opened. Walking through, she stood next to Kyle, who was waiting for her. Taylor was only seconds behind her and was instantly back at her side. Despite being in headquarters, he still watched everyone suspiciously. Crowded areas were hard to analyze, and he was eager to get up to their quiet floor. Taylor guided her to the elevators and blocked anyone not in their party from entering with them. No one questioned his actions.
Stepping out of the elevator, the marble floors, large columns, and embellished insignias all disappeared to plain white hallways covered with multiple doors. Taylor led her down multiple turns and curves.
Taylor finally opened a door to Wendy’s examining room. The walls were covered with blue wallpaper and old pictures. In the middle of the room was an exam table and monitors. There was one side chair.
“Wait what is all this?” Kennedy questioned.
“We need to take a proper look at your shoulder,” Taylor said gently.
“No,” she replied as she continued to walk down the hallway.
Taylor grabbed her left shoulder, securely, but gently.
“Let go of me,” she yelled, snapping away.
“This is part of the deal, let us help you.”
Taylor saw a look in Kennedy's eyes. She was studying him, sizing him up.
He smiled, “There is no way.”
“No way what?” Kennedy asked.
“That you could take me.”
Kennedy opened her mouth as if to speak, but then decided against it and said nothing.
So far, he liked this girl. She was attractive, confident, held her own, and had a sense of humor. This had been different from all his other missions. Part of her acted like she wanted to go back to that company. What had they done to her? Now, she feared what they were going to do to her.
“Please, don't make me,” Kennedy pleaded standing outside the door.
“Well I'm quite offended,” a female voice came from down the hall. “I don't think I’ve ever been turned down before. Taylor, still in tactical gear?”
“Yes, ma’am, I wanted to have you see her first.”
Kennedy peered around Taylor, to see a woman walking towards them. Taylor realigned and got behind Kennedy. Wendy was in her early 50’s with beautiful white hair that waved to her shoulders, and glasses that were hooked to a beaded necklace so they wouldn’t fall.
“Hello Kennedy, my name is Wendy, and I will be your doctor here. I understand that you were shot?”
Taylor looked at Wendy surprised, “You knew about the gunshot wound?”
“Yes of course, Dustin told me,” Wendy said casually.
Taylor angrily held his tongue.
“You didn’t hear it from me then,” Wendy said, reading his mind.
Taylor was suddenly terribly angry at Dustin. For over four years now, Dustin and Taylor had been friends. But as soon as Taylor switched over from secret service, Dustin was promoted. At first it was awkward, but they had gotten used to it. At least, that is what Taylor thought. Clearly, he had withheld information that would have completely changed his rescue tactics. He was going to have to have some words with him later. For the moment, he tried to stay focused on what was happening in front of him.
“Will you go inside and sit down for a minute?” Wendy said with her charming smile.
Kennedy frantically looked around her, as if trying to escape.
“We aren’t here to hurt you,” Wendy reassured her.
Kennedy nodded and walked into the room defeated. Taylor took the seat next to her. Wendy followed the two of them and pulled out a chart.