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  Another couple of days passed and Kennedy was beginning to get restless.

  “Can I get out of bed yet?” she asked when Jordan came in with her breakfast.

  “Not yet,” Jordan said, handing her the food.

  “Now?” she prodded.



  “No,” Ryan answered for Jordan. “What's the matter? Is Jordan not keeping you entertained?”

  Jordan shot Ryan an evil look, but Ryan just smiled.

  “He has been fine,” Kennedy said disappointingly.

  “How about I make you a deal?”

  Kennedy looked at Ryan hopefully, “Anything!”

  “If you stay here two more days, we will slowly build up your muscles back up starting tomorrow.”

  Kennedy looked skeptically at Ryan, “What does that mean?”

  “After being in bed rest for so long, your muscles are weak. We will start with short walks, and then build up to longer ones until you can manage by yourself.”

  “Deal, anything to be out of this room.”

  “Great, I'll be by later to check on you again.”

  Kennedy turned her attention back to Jordan, “Alright, two more days in bed, what do you got?”

  Jordan smiled as he pulled out a comic book.

  “Really?” Kennedy asked, disappointed.

  “Hey!” Jordan said, slightly offended. “Give me some credit. The word bubbles are empty, I thought we could fill them out.”

  “A little better I guess,” Kennedy said, pulling the comic book out of his hands.


  The next morning Jordan and Ryan walked into Kennedy’s room.

  “Kennedy?” Jordan asked.

  “Please go away, I don't feel well.”

  “Can I get you something to eat?” Jordan asked. Food always seemed to help.

  “No,” Kennedy replied flatly.

  “Can you tell me how you feel unwell?” Ryan tried.

  “Please just go.” Kennedy asked, turning onto her , and closing her eyes.

  She didn't speak to them again, despite their continued questions.

  Ryan and Jordan met in the hallway.

  “What do you think?” Jordan asked.

  “Maybe she just needs some space.”

  “I suppose I can sit out in the hallway.”

  Ryan looked back through the windows. “Remember she has left everything and is dealing with a bullet wound. Maybe some emotion is finally catching up to her.”

  “She seemed so excited about getting out of bed yesterday,” Jordan offered.

  Ryan looked back at Jordan, “We both know how life can change very quickly.”

  “All right, I'll keep an eye on her and let you know if anything comes of it.”

  “Sounds good,” Ryan said before heading down the hallway towards the main hospital wing.

  Jordan let this little tantrum slide, but when she refused to eat lunch, he was forced to do something.

  “You need to eat,” Jordan insisted.

  “I don’t feel well,” Kennedy said. At least they were on speaking terms again.

  “Do you want me to call Ryan back in?”

  “I‘m just going to sleep,” Kennedy said, closing her eyes and almost instantly falling asleep.

  Jordan called Ryan anyway. When Ryan arrived, he was surprised to see Kennedy asleep so early in the day.

  “Did she mention any symptoms?” Ryan asked, checking her vitals. She didn’t even flinch at his touching and prodding.

  “Nothing,” Jordan said, getting worried. “Is something wrong?”

  “Her temperature is a little high, but nothing unusual. Her wound could be infected, but I’m not waking her up. Her weariness concerns me.”

  “What would you like me to do?” Jordan asked.

  “Just let me know when she wakes up.”

  “Will do,” Jordan said, walking Ryan to the door.


  Ryan had a late night working on his latest research. Regardless he dragged himself out of bed to get going. Kennedy was his highest priority, so he went to visit her first. To be honest, she was the most interesting case too. He was still baffled by her resistance to drugs.

  Walking into her room he was surprised to see Jordan asleep. Half his body was on Kennedy’s bed, and the other half was still sitting on a chair. He had left plenty of room for Kennedy to move through the night. She was still asleep. This was getting to a concerning level. It was time to wake her up.

  “Jordan?” Ryan’s voice asked.

  Startled, Jordan woke up and looked up at Ryan, he was still half asleep.


  “You’re not a very good bodyguard if I could walk in here without waking you,” Ryan said.

  Jordan rubbed his eyes, “I was up late waiting for her to wake up.”

  “How long have you been sleeping like that?” Ryan teased.

  “I don’t know. What time is it?”

  “Eight in the morning,” Ryan answered as he began to check Kennedy’s vitals. None of her monitors had changed, that was good news. The slight fever was also gone.

  “Since 2 a.m.,” Jordan said as he stretched. “It was accidental.”

  “So, does that mean Kennedy slept through the night?”

  “I believe so. I mean I didn’t hear her get up. Oh, she is going to be starving when she gets up. She didn’t eat anything yesterday.”

  “You better get her something, I’ll watch over her while you're gone.”

  “Thanks!” Jordan said already in the hallway.

  Ryan assumed Jordan was ravenous too, judging by the speed he took off at. He turned back to Kennedy.

  “Kennedy?” he said gently.

  She didn’t stir.

  “Kennedy?” he tried again grabbing her hand.

  “Hey!” Kennedy said, shooting up, her hand grasping Ryan’s wrist.

  “Wow, that is quite the reaction.” Ryan noticed her spiked heart rate on the monitors.

  Kennedy released his wrist and quickly fell back into the bed.

  “Easy,” Ryan warned her. He could see she was still drowsy.

  She inclined the bed to be level with Ryan.

  Waiting a few minutes for her to wake up more, Ryan checked her vital records through the night. They were also steady and constant.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to react like that.”

  “Like a ninja?”

  Kennedy smiled, “Like a ninja. You gave me quite the scare.”

  “I’m sorry I woke you, but I wanted to check on you. You also gave us quite the scare yesterday,”

  Kennedy waited to respond, as if she was trying to remember what Ryan was referring to.

  “I feel better today.”

  “That’s all you are going to give me?” Ryan questioned. He could tell there was more to the story.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “I won’t push it, everything looks good. Can I check your shoulder?”

  Kennedy nodded.

  Ryan carefully pulled the bandage off. The remodeling on the sutures looked great. His fear of an infection causing all the trouble yesterday faded away.

  “Well I have some good news for you. Today we can take a little walk, that is, if you are feeling up to it. Your shoulder looks just fine.”

  “Really?” Kennedy said, truly excited.


  “Really what?” Jordan asked walking in with breakfast.

  “I get to leave this place,” Kennedy said instantly.

  “That is great,” Jordan said, nodding a thank you to Ryan. “Now eat up.” Jordan had brought a large breakfast up for her.

  “I’ll do my morning rounds and come back to help you,” Ryan said as he finished checking her shoulder.

  “Ok,” Kennedy said, eyeing the plate of food that Jordan brought.

  “Enjoy your breakfast,” Ryan said, writing something on her chart, washing his hands and then walking out the door.
r />   Jordan handed the plate to Kennedy and she easily finished the plate.

  Jordan and Kennedy talked about various things. He could sense that Kennedy was anxious for the walk that Ryan had promised. Truthfully, Jordan didn't feel comfortable about pushing Kennedy after yesterday. He knew that Brandon would be down their throats soon, but he didn't think she was ready. In this hospital room Kennedy was safe, Kennedy was protected, and Kennedy was his. Even compared to the monumental mission he had been working on, it paled to spending all day with a woman he found attractive. Time was just passing too quickly for him.

  “Kennedy?” Ryan asked as he came into the hospital room an hour later.

  In mid-sentence Kennedy stopped talking. Jordan smiled, he enjoyed seeing her excitement. All of these good moments, all of these smiles, they were working together to form positive thoughts about Jordan, and the company. The more comfortable she felt, the more willing she would be to do what he wanted.

  “Yes?” she replied.

  “Ready for this?” he said walking up to the bed.

  “Couldn't be better.”

  How could she say she was fine? Throughout the day he would catch her cringing in pain, but Ryan assured Jordan that it was normal. If this didn’t go well, Kennedy could relapse like yesterday.

  “Medically you are perfectly capable of walking around and beginning the process of becoming active again.”

  “We all want what is best,” Brandon said, before Kennedy could respond.

  Jordan almost jumped at Brandon's voice. He also saw a similar reaction from Ryan and suspected that he also had not heard Brandon enter.

  “Good day sir,” Jordan said, straightening up and saluting, in an attempt to cover up his surprise.

  “Good day everyone, I hear Kennedy is getting out of here today.”

  “Only for a very short walk, but yes, she is leaving,” Ryan clarified.

  “Great then we can move on with things,” Brandon said.

  “I don't know if you should push things,” Ryan gently suggested.

  “I don’t know if I am ready yet,” Kennedy shyly agreed.

  “Oh, of course, Ryan. Jordan can I talk to you outside?” Brandon said walking out the door.

  “Yes sir,” Jordan said following Brandon. This couldn't be good.

  Once outside Brandon started, “What the hell is going on in there?”

  “What do you mean sir?” Jordan questioned.

  “I want to get things moving and you are all making excuses! What do you think my superiors are saying? They don’t care if she is ready or not, we need to start the testing.”

  “I will do the best I can,” Jordan said, not promising anything.

  “No, I want results; I don’t want this crap you are feeding me. Is this why I was promoted instead of you?”

  Startled at such a low cut, Jordan recovered quickly, “Of course sir, we will start the testing this week. Assemble the men who are on the committee.”

  Immediately, Jordan regretted his statement. In order to get Brandon off his back, Jordan had promised something he wasn't sure he could fulfill. He himself had just been complaining about Kennedy simply trying to take a walk, let alone perform in all of these tests that Brandon had set up. Jordan was just going to have to gain her trust faster. Kennedy was a beautiful woman, he was a handsome man, why not use that to his advantage? If they were romantic, he knew she would be easier to manipulate.

  “Now that's what I am talking about Jordan, get back in there and make it work,” Brandon said, breaking Jordan's thought.

  “Yes sir,” Jordan said, walking back into the hospital room without waiting for Brandon to respond.

  Kennedy didn't seem to feel the tension that Brandon had brought and immediately asked “Can I leave right now?”

  “I don’t see why not?” Ryan responded as he walked in behind Jordan.

  Kennedy moved to the edge of the bed excitedly.

  Jordan stood several feet away, unsure of what to do with himself.

  “Jordan?” Ryan said, knocking Jordan out of his small trance. “If you move to Kennedy’s left and I will be on her right in case she is still too weak.”

  “Are you sure we should be doing this?”

  “Jordan!” Kennedy said angrily.

  Ryan ignored Kennedy, “Jordan, she needs to build her strength up again. Sitting in this bed for days is not good for anyone.”

  “Right, of course,” Jordan said, dropping the subject and moving to Kennedy's side. If Ryan felt like Kennedy could handle this, he believed him.

  “Okay, I'm ready. Are you guys ready?” Kennedy asked.

  “Ready as ever,” Ryan said as he cautiously watched her.

  Kennedy steadied herself one last time before she shifted herself slowly off the bed and onto the floor. At first only her toes touched the floor. Then the last bit of assistance from the bed gave way as she let her full weight fall to her own two feet. For a moment nothing happened, she stood there all by herself. But a second passed as her knees buckled and she started to fall. Jordan didn’t waste any time as he scooped her up and placed her back on the bed as quickly as possible.

  “I knew this was a bad idea,” Jordan said as he looked over Kennedy making sure she was alright.

  How could Ryan have thought that Kennedy was ready? Clearly her body wasn't going to hold her own weight.”

  “I’m fine really,” Kennedy pushed.

  "I know you are,” Ryan said reassuringly. “Jordan, it could take a couple of tries for her to get the hang of it again. Kennedy are you ready to try again?”

  “Yes,” Kennedy said, already leaning forward to get in position.

  Instinctively Jordan pushed Kennedy back down on her back as he applied pressure to her chest. Kennedy was under his watch, and he couldn't let something else happen to her.

  “Jordan!” Kennedy said with a slight angered tone. She pushed his hand off of her and he didn't resist.

  “It isn’t safe,” he said, looking to Ryan for confirmation.

  “Jordan relax,” was all Ryan said before getting into position again.

  Kennedy rose again, this time without Jordan stopping her and slid off the bed once again. She allowed her weight to fall on her feet. This time she held herself.

  “That is great Kennedy!” Ryan said gladly.

  “I am going to walk now, okay?” she said half as a question half as a statement.

  “Go for it,” Ryan said standing next to her while Jordan remained silent.

  Jordan watched as Kennedy grew in confidence. She took several steps forward before turning around and walking back. She smiled at her progress.

  Jordan forgot all his cares as he watched her walk towards the door and turn back.

  “Very good,” Ryan said going to the closet. “I am sure you would like your clothes back. Here is a brace for your shoulder and arm as well. It will help keep your shoulder still.”

  Kennedy quickly grabbed the clothes and cautiously made her way over a small curtain dividing the room. Jordan stayed a few feet away to make sure that Kennedy made it behind the curtain before backing off.

  Trying to give Kennedy some privacy, Jordan turned to Ryan. “Well, is this what you were expecting?”

  “Better,” Ryan said as he went over some paperwork.


  Ryan nodded as he continued to write some things down.

  Turning his attention back to Kennedy, Jordan walked near to the curtain. “Kennedy?”

  For a moment there was no response. Jordan turned to Ryan, who was also suddenly concerned.

  “Kennedy!” Jordan said more urgently when there was no reply.

  “Give me a second,” she said grunting.

  Jordan waited another few minutes. Kennedy then walked out. She looked much better in clothes than a hospital gown.

  “Ah, that looks better,” Ryan said, agreeing to Jordan’s thoughts.

  Kennedy smiled, “Thanks Ryan.”

  Jordan stayed
a few feet from Kennedy in case she needed him. She was doing fantastic on her own.

  “Anything else I can do for you?” Ryan asked.

  “I’m good,” Kennedy responded.

  Ryan looked at Jordan who shook his head.

  “I will see you this evening,” Ryan said walking out.

  “Bye Ryan,” Kennedy said.

  Jordan watched Ryan leave, and turned to Kennedy. Although Jordan didn't approve of this whole endeavor, he understood it. He suddenly had the perfect place in mind for her to walk to. Plus, this time together could help Jordan. He could begin his efforts in manipulating Kennedy, to do what he wanted.

  “Well,” Jordan said. “Shall I show you your new place? I think that would qualify as a short walk.”

  “What do you mean?” Kennedy asked.

  “Where did you think you were going to stay after leaving this room?” Jordan asked as they slowly walked towards the door.

  “I hadn't really thought about it.”

  “Well it's not the fanciest place, but it will do,” Jordan assured her after they passed the door.

  Jordan hovered over her.

  “I can walk,” Kennedy said warningly. She then smiled reassuringly.

  “Of course,” Jordan said, backing up a little. He remained in arms reach.

  Kennedy and Jordan had walked several feet into the hallway before Jordan saw Kennedy look around. They were standing in a large concrete hallway. The ceilings were over fifteen tall, and the hallway was about ten feet wide. Several doors lined both sides of the hallway, and it continued down for over a hundred feet before reaching a “T”. The same thing applied for the other direction. All the walls had no pictures, no signs, and no windows, only the doors.

  “Not very welcoming is it?” Kennedy asked smiling.

  Jordan looked around, “I guess you are right.”

  “You never noticed? Men.”

  “I’ll contact the interior decorator right away,” Jordan said, pulling out his phone.

  “Uh, huh,” Kennedy laughed.

  Slowly Kennedy continued to walk down the hallway while Jordan remained close to her side. He wondered if they would indeed make it to her apartment today. Over the last few weeks, he had been prepping the apartment just for her, and was excited for her to see it.